Boilers and heating - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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Boilers and heating sell

Posting date: 23.09.2013

Country: Russia

Boilers steel water-heating systems are designed for double-circuit water heating and hot water supply of residential and office space. Boilers KS-TG universal, as fuel can serve as natural gas and coal, wood. For the combustion of natural gas boiler is equipped with automatic UGG. Boilers index -B- have built-in flow-through water heater. Boilers index -E- have built-in heating elements, intended tained to maintain a minimum temperature of the coolant. Boilers SWR 0.05 and 0.09 SWR used for heating and hot water supply of residential, industrial, residential premises, which are equipped with water heating. The boilers are manufactured for different types of fuel (solid, liquid, gas) and can be used for heating buildings with natural or forced circulation (network pumps) coolant. Solid fuel boilers are equipped with exhaust fan. Management boilers on liquid and gaseous fuel is carried out automatically, without constant supervision of staff.

Contact details

Name: Leonova Anna
Phone: 74812418855

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