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Germany increase subsidies for solid fuel pellet equipment

03.12.2015 Category: World

Germany increased state subsidies for those who switch from coal and diesel fuel to the fuel pellets. The subsidy can be up to three thousand euros per one solid fuel boiler. Grants apply to a municipal and home heating equipment and amount of subsidy can reach 5,250 euros, in case if the solid-fuel boiler will be integrated into the existing building.

If the heating equipment uses solar energy batteries, then amount of the subsidy will be bigger and the owner of this heating equipment gets 500 euros more.

The German government has identified the power of solid equipment, which is covered by the state support. Thus, government subsidies relied state and municipal power equipment up to 100 kW, as well as private, which  power does not exceed 50 kW.

Also state allowance is allocated for the construction of a warehouse for pellets with solid-fuel boiler or the construction of a line for the production of fuel pellets.