Automatic boilers for biomass - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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Automatic boilers for biomass sell

Posting date: 29.08.2013

Country: Russia

SanTermo company offers a series of high-power boilers for combustion of biomass with a particle size up to 25 mm with automatic fuel supply and supercharged air. Biomass burning occurs on the burner tray. We make delivery to all regions of Russia, our company offers the lowest prices and favorable conditions of cooperation. The boilers are available as follows. Automatic boilers HT Bio, Automatic boilers Q Bio, Automatic boilers Q Max Bio Automatic boilers HT Bio Duo Automatic boilers Q Bio Duo Automatic boilers Q Max Bio Duo Automatic boilers Q Pellet Duo Automatic boilers Q Comfort Pellet Automatic boilers Q Max Pellet boilers, Biofuel, Biofuel boiler, automatic boiler, boiler with automatic fuel supply, boiler for the cottages, the boiler for the cottage, the boiler for a country house, boiler, heating boiler, heating the house, an alternative to gas, secure the boiler equipment boiler, boilers, automatic heating boilers , the boiler, the boiler burning long.

Contact details

Name: Denis
Phone: 8(343)253-16-00

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