Boiler water-heating module 1MW - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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Boiler water-heating module 1MW sell

Posting date: 12.11.2014

Country: Russia

Selling modular boiler capacity-1,02MVt, 2008. with storage liquid fuels, consisting of two containers. The first container is pot "Lambordgini1020" with the diesel burner "Oilen KP-90H", pump group Grundfos, additional equipment, fire suppression system, air conditioning system control unit. The second container storage of liquid fuel 15 m3 Dimensions LxWxH 7000h3000h3100mm. Each container is equipped with fire safety, etc. Boiler work was not all totally new.

Contact details

Name: Igor
Phone: + 7 9107011473

Подписатся на категорию Продажа/Equipment/Solid fuel boilers / boiler rooms