Heating wood-burning stove - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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Heating wood-burning stove sell

Posting date: 06.10.2014

Country: Russia

Oven with an estimated value of 18 kW designed for space heating volume of 200 cubic meters. Forced boost electric fan increases air velocity through the heat exchanger tubes several times, providing fast heating of the room. For more information please call

Contact details

Name: OOO "Russian Machines"
Phone: 8-910-366-65-55, 8-915-561-27-08, 8(4725)49-23-48
E-mail: stanki.31@yandex.ru, smu-stroi-garant@yandex.ru

Подписатся на категорию Продажа/Equipment/Solid fuel boilers / boiler rooms