fngroup Boiler heating equipment - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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fngroup Boiler heating equipment sell

Posting date: 03.04.2014

Country: Russia

FN Group - the official supplier of solid fuel boilers burning long LIEPSNELE production Lithuanian company Vakaro Rasa. Liepsnele - it's the best deal in the market boilers! Time of burning boiler with a single batch of fuel - up to seven days! We work all over Russia! We offer: - Easy to 7 days on one tab (no need to visit the boiler room every 3-6 hours) - Economy (reduced costs for fuel in 5 (!!!) times - Easy maintenance - Safety - Beautiful design - 5 years warranty - Certificate of Conformity: Russia, GOST - Lifetime 25 years

Contact details

Name: Alexander
Phone: 79117247265
E-mail: alex.fngroup@gmail.com

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