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Pellets from coffee

26.12.2016 Категория: Мир

Company Bio-bean from London offers to dispose of coffee grounds, producing from it pellets for heating homes. More than half of the used coffee beans or coffee grounds after a coffee is thrown. But, the coffee grounds are quite a valuable source of biomass. Annually up to five million tonnes of coffee in the world produced daily.

In order to proceed with the production of pellets from coffee grounds, the company is going to do the coffee supply biomass from hundreds of cafeterias. It is assumed that the harvested biomass is enough to heat about one thousand households in London.

Collection and disposal of waste from the coffee itself profitable and for cafeterias, as they no longer need to pay for the services of firms exporting food waste. Nowadays housewives know a large number of ways to use coffee grounds. It may be used as feeding domestic plants, and as additives for facial rejuvenation, and even as a means for cleaning tableware.

The proposed innovative way of recycling coffee grounds is a good and attractive idea and has some promise as representatives believe Bio-bean.

Source: http://www.bio-bean.com/