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Virobnitstvo palivnih pellets Pellets od virobnika in Kievskiy region. sell
Posting date: 05.04.2015Country: Ukraine
For you postіyno viroblyayutsya palivnі dіametrom pellets pellets 6mm, 8mm 10mm abo. The main type of sirovini - pine. Nashі palivnі pellets toil nizku Quantity zalishkovoї sols 0.7% od crowbars, vologіst 7% - 10%, the warmth nizhnoї zgorannya becoming 17.4 (MJ / kg), vіdpovіdaє standards EN 14961-1 (Euro), GOST R 54220- 2010 kolіr - svіtlogo tree.
Contact details
Name: | Oleksandr |
Phone: | +380919594444, |
E-mail: | |
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