Palivnі pellets (pellets) 6 mm s Dereviny (temni) - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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Palivnі pellets (pellets) 6 mm s Dereviny (temni) sell

Posting date: 26.11.2014

Country: Ukraine

Palivnі pellets (pellets) vigotovlyayutsya s sumіshі Dereviny that listvyanih porіd coniferous (pine, birch, oak) by shock mehanіchnogo presuvannya have viglyadі tsilіndrіv D-6 mm. Schіlnіst: 1.0 g / cc. Vologіst: 8.5%. Vmіst sіrki: 0.035%. Zolnіst: 1.55%. Heat zgoryannya: 17.92 - 20.1 MJ / kg. Packing: Big-Bag of 1000 kg. Obsyagi to buy: up to 200 tons per mіsyats. Price EXW - 100 euros (milling od 22 t). Price FCA - dzvonіt. Price DDU - dzvonіt, potrіben rozrahunok vitrat on logіstiku. Sertifіkat vіdpovіdnostі (viprobuvan protocol) that radіologіchny sertifіkat have nayavnostі. Vіdvantazhennya Zi warehouse in Rіvnenskіy oblastі.

Contact details

Name: Andrei
Phone: +380362489571, +380633976535, +380993614610

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