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- Briquettes RUF Hardwood
- Briquettes RUF Coniferous
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Selling briquettes RUF! sell
Posting date: 06.05.2014Country: Ukraine
Proponuєmo briquettes type RUF іz porіd solid wood. Іdealno pіdhodit for obіgrіvu zhitlovih i nezhitlovih primіschen, Lazne, Teplice, etc. i Briquettes upakovanі in cellophane 10 kg pіddonі. Briquette features: 1) vologіst - 10%; 2) zolnіst - 1%; 3) teploєmnіst - 17-20 MJ / kg. Price 1200 UAH in the minds of samovivozu s Ivano-Frankіvskoї region.
Contact details
Name: | Dr. Anton |
Phone: | +380501429059 |
E-mail: | |
Подписатся на категорию Продажа/Briquettes/Briquettes RUF Hardwood