Fuel chips - Eco Woods Wholesale.
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Fuel chips sell

Posting date: 24.06.2019

Country: Ukraine


We are self-propelled to a trail and delivered directly to the complex, who will be able to do anything else without nationality of the middle. - Vologіst up to 50%. - Fractional 10-50mm (moglive kalibruvannya). - Ціна від об'єму. - Nadaєmo after-delivery service is abo wam self-delivery. - Sirovina vigotovlennya trіski - vіdhodi woodworking, lіsozagotіvel, forestry і woodworking virobnitstva, round lіs (firewood). Purified in brood, land, іnshe. - The virobic process is pragnemo to a thoroughness, that mi modernism our virobnica tehnіku i zbіlshumo is a product for you.

Contact details

Name: Oleksandr
Phone: +380674122870
E-mail: mdpk@i.ua

Подписатся на категорию Продажа/Raw materials/Wood chips